Cita con el Futuro


La temática de este blog.

La razón de ser de este blog es meramente para el uso serio sobre los temas que se presentan por el moderador y los que presenten sus contribuyentes. Los temas claves están representados en diferentes páginas y quién quiese puede hacer una contribución seria. Se solicita la colaboración de todos en cuanto la innecesaria extensión de ideas que resulten en un abuso de espacio necesario para que todos pongan sus serias opiniones. Al exponer sus opiniones recomiendo que lo hagan en una forma objectiva, estudiada, con propiedad, dejando de lado tendencias políticas, religiosas o deportivas cómo así tendencias sexuales. Paso a paso iremos deshenebrando el lío cada uno con su especialidad en cada uno de los temas. Las críticas hacia otros miembros u opiniones personales sobre otros miembros son prohibidas. Respeto y seriedad deben de ser reflejados en toda opinión con la cual contribuyan. Lo cortés no quita lo valiente. De querer expresar alguna crítica dirijase al moderador privadamente.     [email protected]

     Las ideas se realizan o pasan a papel y lápiz, así sobreviven para las próximas generaciones.

Ideas que una vez apuntaron bien alto, de alguna manera fueron adoptadas moderadamente por el necesitado ser humano.

Nacionalismo, fanatismo, obseción, locura, lo que Ud lo quiera llamar.

Las locuras las tengo bien claras, las ideas son las que están borrosas. No soy genio, soy loco, nadie está loco, cada uno es un genio para sí mismo. Partiendo de éste razonamiento queda entendido que todo lo que presento a discusión puede pasar de ser una locura a ser una buena idea. Que los expertos lo determinen. Contando con la buena educación de mi pueblo y los profesionales o especializados que emergen de los centros de estudios superiores de nuestro país, espero crear un "root movement" de gente con pensamientos positivos, derrotistas absténgansen, ideas factibles, soluciones a los posibles obstáculos que se presenten en el largo camino, aportes que lleven a un paso hacia adelante. El reloj está marchando, la arena del tiempo se escapa entre nuestros dedos. Veinte años no son nada, diez son menos, falta tan solo uno o dos para que se logre el apoyo de gobiernos amigos a la fundación que se convertirá en el ingenio, manejado por sus intelectos, que desarrolle planes y metas paralelas a los deseos de progreso del pueblo uruguayo. No queda mucho tiempo, en dos años este proyecto debe ser puesto en marcha en su primera faceta: las charlas gratuitas de motivación profesional y vocacional en los mismos centros de estudios del estudiantado estatal y privado para crear nuevos sueños y anhelos, esperanzas en los protagonistas del futuro. En el proceso las fuerzas laborales de cuello blanco y azúl serán puestos en acción gracias a las oportunidades de trabajo al crear la necesaria infraestructura y de servicio creados para quienes gozan de un  poder adquisitivo más elevado. Los eventos de los cuales podemos ser protagonistas y crear una imagen internacional más competitiva e invitadora o simplemente llevar a nuevos niveles, más pronunciados y elevarlos un poco más (siempre hay lugar para mejoramiento), de la positiva ya creada, son La Exposición Mundial en 2028, el Mundial de Fútbol en 2030  y Las Olimpiadas en 2032. Tan solo dos años entre uno y el otro. Lo suficiente para aprender de los errores, ajustar clavijas y no darle oportunidad a la infraestructura demorronarse, todo sería reciclable.  Un evento sería la tarjeta de presentación dentro del escenario nacional para la fundación, la presentación "broche de oro" de El Contenedor de Arte Móvil por Zaha Hadid en el 2010 ( ) en Montevideo. Acentuando el ideal de hacer del país un centro cultural de Las Américas. No tan solo de cultura sinó de entretenimiento y diversión a niveles internacionales presentando todo el año obras y producciones importantes en el contexto mundial a la par de contar con facilidades de diversión familiar de nivel. El mercado interno crece a medida que mejoran sus niveles de vida, la población es participante en el desarrollo comunal de las tres clases sociales. La facilidad de traer consumidores extranjeros para tales eventos yace en la eficacia y modernización de la red de transportación que se ambiciona contando con trenes "bala" que comuniquen Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil con Uruguay.  La red de carreteras elevadas y rápidas serían la continuación de la ruta Panamericana con nuevas extensiones y modernización de los tramos actuales uniendo a los pueblos americanos en un proyecto ambicioso. ¿De que sirve desarrollar la industria turística si el crecimiento del nivel del mar para esas fechas van a hacer desaparecer nuestros balnearios y ciudades en la costa? Ésto llama por la construcción de una muralla atlántica con sistema de control de agua salada, imitando a los holandeses, ya que está anunciado que pasaremos a ser "tierras bajas" en unos 20 a 30 años, que no son nada. Yo propongo que  dicha muralla  se aproveche dándole un uso extra, útil para los países vecinos, nuestros hermanos argentinos y brasileños que corren la misma suerte desdichada, que sea construída con suficiente altura y ancho para usarla cómo carretera trinacional comunicando todos los puntos importantes de nuestra costa con Buenos Aires y Porto Alegre. Hablando de la pasión uruguaya, no del mate, del fútbol, si  Alemania  en 2006 tuvo 3.359.439  visitantes  con un promedio de  52,491 asistentes por partido jugado (véase: ) nosotros debemos de esperar un número similar debido a que el Mundial en 2030 es el 1oo aniversario de la FIFA y vuelve a dónde todo comenzó en 1930, Montevideo Uruguay. ¿Dónde vamos a poner tanta gente? Quizás se necesite la ayuda de Buenos Aires y Porto Alegre ( todos los partidos van a ser jugados exclusivamente en Uruguay, podemos hacer unas semifinales en Argentina y otras en Brasil, no vamos a ser tan egoístas) pero para ese entonces la red de comunicaciones debe de estar instalada, probada y en buen funcionamiento y coordinación uniendo estos tres puntos geográficos. La industria hotelera carece actualmente de una estandarización y regulamiento cómo de capacidad adecuada. El uso de parques temporales para habitaciones móviles en futurísticos vehículos de recreación y viajes largos, para suplementar operadores que serán ayudados a expander a capacidades para tiempos futuros, son parte de las industrias livianas pensadas a ser localizadas en puntos estratégicos en el interior para atraer ciudadanos a despoblar levemente  la capital voluntariamente. Otras industrias livianas son instaladas con el mismo propósito logrando de ésta manera nivelar la densidad promedio de habitantes para los departamentos del interior a intercambio de mejor representación, más presupuesto accesible, facilidades modernas, exposición a los avances de la humanidad en el mismo nivel y tiempo que la capital, más oportunidades para la clase media y la clase rica con una clase pobre convertida en la nueva clase obrera con una vida mejor y más feliz. Los estadios locales pasarán por modificaciones similares a los hoteles en cuestión de capacidad, el uso de gradas portátiles ayudará a elevar la capacidad de más de dos docenas de estadios en todo el país, jugándose un solo partido en cada uno dándole la oportunidad de ser participantes a cada departamento. El Estadio Centenario sería llevado a 120.000 espectadores con la ayuda de éstas gradas portátiles, cubierto alrrededor a lo largo o perímetro y a lo ancho o altura con una pantalla de video de una pieza (tecnología ya usada en Las Vegas - por lo tanto no tan imposible) y reservado pura y exclusivamente para el partido final. Al cuál, cómo cualquiera de Uds., quiero que Uruguay sea protagonista y gane también. Tales unidades móviles hoteleras serán usadas por primera vez en el 2028 con La Exposición Mundial y en dos años la fábrica producirá suficientes unidades para los eventos del Mundial y Olimpiadas, después serán vendidas a particulares. La fábrica, parte del parque industrial liviano del nuevo Uruguay, producirá para exportación cómo tantas otras industrias programadas.  Las gradas portátiles pueden pasar a ser fijas en estadios al aire libre de competencias de motocicletas, camiones y hasta aviones de carrera. Tales "venues" serían parte de la red de facilidades para el entretenimiento familiar junto con instalaciones fijas de actos cómo "Le Cirque du Soleil", para poner un ejemplo. Parques de diversiones cómo "Asterix" francés y "Six Flags over....." , yanqui, que en nuestro caso podría ser : "over Tacuarembó" también pasan a ser puntos claves y de atracción a los ciudadanos de países vecinos que carecen de tales produciones. La necesidad de más cuarteles de bomberos, seccionales policiales, hospitales y aeropuertos son respondidos con lo último en tecnología y la creación de academias estatales con el fin de crear cuerpos profesionales en cada una de las especializaciones. El ejército desaparece cómo tal (desarmemento bélico y desmantalamiento de la jerarquía militar) y es reemplazado por una  guardia fronteriza que doblar cómo equipo de respuesta rápida a desastres naturales en territorio nacional o internacional Lo mismo sucedería con la Armada y la Fuerza Aérea. Los baños públicos automatizados de Europa sueltan la imaginación a volar y la idea de salas de hospitales "giratorias" que usan auto desinfectación nace de la própia necesidad o experiencia. La necesidad de una flota de transportación aérea que sea ágil, práctica y manufacturada en el país, debido a los altos costos de arrendamiento de "puertas" o la falta de vacantes, hace pensar en el uso de naves para pasajeros de despegue vertical ya que no requieren el uso obligado de aeropuertos convencionales. Dirigibles para observaciones aéreas por parte de turistas también debe de ser contemplada. Dentro del plan de infraestructura turística me atrevo a proponer un canal para cruceros entren por la capital desde el viejo puerto en La Bahía de Montevideo y completen un círculo alrrededor de El Parque de Los Aliados contemplando el legendario Estadio Centenario, La Pista de Atletismo y el anterior Hospital de Clínicas Pasteur convertido en un hotel al estilo moderno de los 50's con el nombre de "Clínicas" Hotel (desinfectación completa de por medio sin perder el armazón arquitectónico). Los gobiernos serán presionados antes de ser electos por la población a seguir el plan nacional a largo plazo que con sus capacidades o incapacidades e ineficiencias podrán acelerar o aminorar pero no aminorar, parar o eliminar los planes de desarrollo de un pueblo cometido en ser protagonistas de un renacimiento de dentro para afuera de sí mismo y hacia el resto de latinoamérica.  Gobierno transparente y un sistema en el cual el mismo ciudadano decide que porcentaje de su contribución anual colectada por el gobierno, en incrementos del 10% a ganancias salariales o comerciales (eliminando el IVA actuál)  es designada a que organización o institución gubernamental crea la competencia por esos fondos y en resultado un mejor servicio recibido por el ciudadano. Una administración "paperless" y un gobierno minimizado son esenciales.

   Documento creado por el moderador, ideado en busca de apoyo extranjero.

2008 -

Proposal - Project: 

                                                 “Appointment in Tomorrow.” 

                                          A vision of changes in alternatives and aspirations for Latin America.

*"Great nations are simply the operating fronts of behind-the-scenes, vastly ambitious individuals who had become so  

      effectively powerful because of their ability to remain invisible while operating behind the national scenery." 

*"People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things".

Create a foundation dedicated to deliver professional and vocational speeches to the student body receiving primary, secondary and third levels of education to motivate them to stay in school and procure higher education to be participates of a better future that is feasible, on a specific South American country that meets the ideal circumstances and have great chances of being host to a chain of world events with greater economical rewards.

Educated population with a large percentage of literacy, competitive IT professionals, compact territory, ideal climate with four very defined seasons, 260 miles of beautiful and free Atlantic coast with beaches touching one with the other, good reputation and excellent exterior relations, low population density with minimal grow, with culture seen by the people as a must have, always looking out to the best of other countries and having a strong European heritage with a none existence Amerindian and a minimal Afro American population plus a diversified labor force are factors that qualify Uruguay as the ideal country in the South Hemisphere to successfully implement this project. The minimum educations cycle in this country is 10 years, 6 years of elementary school (mandatory) and 4 years of high school (free). Also mayor careers are available and subsidized in national universities. Higher education is excellent right now in Uruguay but the future locks of opportunities for them once they become skilled workers or professionals.

As authoritarian systems use a systematic brainwash program with their youngsters to secure followers in future generations, free societies also should secure not only their youngsters loyalty but also the market conditions favorable to accommodate them in the labor force once their education is completed.  The children of the present will be the labor force of the future. This concept brings a new alternative, a fresh approach toward the South American issues which indirectly affect this nation too, populism and absolute left wing ideals which are being sought as solutions.  The lock of palpable national goals at long terms is the biggest factor for the apathy on the future and absence of enthusiasm.

The tactic proposed is the legal creation of an “umbrella” that covers and influence all the transitory governments possible elected by the Uruguayan citizens during the term proposed here without even being involved in politics. This new concept, a country with a long term goal, creates peoples empowerment and the end to inefficient and “fly over night” governments that do not end their administrations with a high score card, just reach power and leaving behind everything the same with some superfluous cosmetics changes giving to the citizens a false sense of accomplishment and living the country a few centuries behind any developed counterpart. 

The historical sympathy of the Uruguayan people with the International Communist Party and socialist ideals will lose influence after the economical “boom” takes place and it will turn these tendencies inbound into “snobbism” with some pockets of resistance inside the traditional unions and organized labor by then overflow with members working and living under better conditions, which guaranty the natural balance of any democratic system. Sizing power through a political party in open elections is a direct approach that will meet a lot of resistance by the population that still in a “mental honeymoon” with the recent victory of the Left Party Coalition over the traditional parties that controlled the political scene for 180 years.  The same issues persist in the country as they are getting close to the end of their administration. Taking power by illegal meanings it’s also out of discussion and useless, unproductive and retrograde. 

                                                    *"The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun. "

The concept presented in this proposal brings a new alternative, a fresh approach toward the Uruguayan people. The tactic proposed is the legal creation of an “umbrella” that covers and influence all the transitory governments possible elected by the Uruguayan citizens during the time term proposed here without even being involved in politics. The foundation, non political and non profit, in the beginning will cooperate with the administration in office and link with other independent foundations working in the country to reduce levels of poverty, rates of crime and eliminate criminal gangs, prevent early pregnancies, discourage drop outs, avoid emigrations of educated, skilled and professionals, erase social apathy with the future,  fight alcoholism and the abuse of controlled substances.  Somehow with the help of all religions in the country scenario and the positive outcome in economical opportunities control the high rate of divorces. The traditional family is one of the essentials elements to preserve a well balance and strong society; other alternative lifestyles chosen by the people also have to be respected. These speeches are designed for each level of understanding, of the audience in mind, on vocational and career motivation to feed the forces that are part of a democratic system with optimistic members of all three social classes, but with a happier working class and a non existence, practically, poor class. These speeches accessibility could be also expanded to blue and white collar worker in their working places since they are also essential part in the whole development. Once is place in motion the project would be a constant reminder of their pledge.

   *"What usually happens in the educational process is that the faculties are dulled, overloaded, stuffed and paralyzed

                                so that by the time most people are mature they have lost their innate capabilities."

The speakers will be hired and trained under salary by the foundation to deliver speeches with democratic values overtones, reinstating their democratic pledge, written by professionals at the main office to build a trust on the future by the audience, the protagonist to be.  The children of the present will be the labor force of the future, because a big and considerable opportunity is coming to them, in 20 o more years which represents the ideal time for planning and implementing a successful goal as a nation independent of any political party in the country o gestation by any government that could get in power by then, immune to inside forces or national idiosyncrasy. The minimum educations cycle in Uruguay is 10 years, elementary school (mandatory) and high school (free). Also mayor careers are available and subsidized in national universities. Higher education is excellent right now in Uruguay but the future locks of opportunities for them once they become skilled workers or professionals. This project will reach and cover the whole country that right now has 70% of the population living in the crowed capital Montevideo, creating a belt of working citizens receiving the minimum salary which is no match to the real cost of living to cover mere necessities. The capital has its share of professionals underpaid and migrated unskilled citizens from the interior competing for jobs, that could not get in their own communities and are scarce there anyway, with their counter parts unemployed or living from a basic “minimum salary”. The interior or countryside is under populated and not exploited to the maximum potential. The residents of the countryside have little say in the political scene and the funds directed to them are insufficient because the capital absorbs the most of the government budget in maintenance. Democracy is not well balanced because of the number of residents and votes in its territory division and those people represented by senators. Those people are in a kind of “catch 22” situation for not being a considerable number of residents to gain a respected share of governing while feeding a big machine not too far away that when it reach them is in a limited way leaving their municipalities with scarce meanings to progress and develop as any competitor or just impossible to keep their inhabitants on decent leaving standards of today much above the poverty line.When this project is put in motion by the foundation will gain influence on the public targeted, with the assistance of your friendly partner the government in power at the moment, they will use their own influence through vote to demand to their future presidential candidates and their parties to stay in curse with the goals the nation that are achievable in the next 20 years. The actual presidential term is 5 years without re-election. This new concept, a country with a long term goal, creates peoples empowerment and the end to inefficient and “fly over night” governments that do not end their administrations with a high score card, just reach power and leaving behind everything being the same with some superfluous cosmetics changes giving to the citizens a false sense of accomplishment, a repeat of the same pattern by a typical Latin American government. There is need for funds to support the foundation transition with “non refundable funds” by governments of friendly nations, which are numerous and willing.  Another meaning of collecting funds is ”fund raising events” to be host for groups of interest and philanthropies in the country and neighboring Argentine and Brazil since the Ocean Dike and Hydro Via projects would benefit both as well. The foundation would invest in other essential projects to achieve the new national goal. It’s essential that the foundation function for the period of time considered necessary to achieve its goal. As the first old project fades away other new ones will be implemented as the goal is turning real and reachable. The foundations become then the engine of development to long term, 20 o more years, overwriting any party policy toward the future influenced by their voters that demand to swear over their own ambitions as a nation if they want to be elected. The construction of the future is an open market to foreign investors and companies. The variety of projects and their locations thru the national landscape assure investments with profitable returns. The capital needed to accomplish the goal does not come all from within.

How the dream comes true.
The real “window of opportunity” coming from outside is the World Cup, a world championship of soccer organized by the F.I.F.A, which Uruguay has the strong possibility of being the sole host in 2030 celebrating the 100 Years of the F.I.F.A. in the same stadium in the same city and in the same country where all begin in 1930, the 1st World Cup. The Conmebol, South American Soccer Association, decided a couple years ago that this 2030 World Cup will be host by Uruguay with Argentine since Uruguay lacks of infrastructure to host it. There is some sentimental and honor involved for the Uruguayan people in this event. An Expo (possible before 2030) it’s not so passionate as 2030. The Expo comes and assure them that are not too far from the concept of what others considers the future, a needed shot of confidence 2 years before the “big” event in 2030. After that in 2032 the Olympics is the golden seal to their national pride and prove them that “size” doesn’t matter, smart “work” does.

                                    *"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."

It’s not about soccer, is about economical opportunity. If this decision by Conmebol is not revised and changed, the Argentineans will direct all the flow of visitants to Buenos Aires, which has in place superior infrastructure and hotel/restaurants capacity as we speak, and that expending power will stay there. Not only Uruguay will lose all that revenue (needed to pay bills from the “renaissance”) but also will be invisible on the memories of the World Cup goers and once again an opportunity is wasted and the nation is second in the vacation spot list of choices in the River Plate area. Once again the giant across the river makes a good impression on everyone that visits, and is implanted in the back of their head as best presented than Uruguay which is not that sophisticated. While the Uruguayan people look for alternatives to small development in the absolute extreme left, extended South American populism o “chavism”, hypocrite Cuba, old Russia and possibly rising China which is a treat to all. Territory size, population and expending power are factors that attract modern manufacturers to market their products in a specific country. That is why Argentine always had superior living standard and better products. With re population,  projecting  200,000 habitants per state concentrating  in vibrant  new communities around manufacturing facilities the market  crates itself and the new higher standard of living comes along. The actual capital, with her centralized power and old city planning around the main port, will be replaced by those new communities on the interior of the country and left with a little more than 500,000 residents.

                                                                                              Line of events.

The Uruguayan people with the right motivation and external help with profitable investments for international companies could be the potential host of:
2028 – Expo, World Fair (could be proposed, last programmed fair is in Milan, Italy, in 2015, scheduled every five            
                                            or more years apparently, the closer to 2030 the better for Uruguay timing)
2030- F.I.F.A. World Cup (without Argentine since Uruguay will have adequate infrastructure by then)
2032- Olympics (need to present her nomination)

Other projects and needed investment.
The Canal, Ocean Dyke, new and expanded intercontinental Panamericana Highway as Parana/Uruguay Rivers and Merlin lake Hydro Via are also projects that would attract external investment and help to modernize the country.

The foundation starts its presence in the mind of the Uruguayan people by redirecting this simple event:
Exposition of the Mobile Art Container by Zaha Hadid which is to roam the world from 2008 to 2010 bearing installations by 18 international artists. The Mobile Art Container has this scheduled:
Hong Kong   2008 February - April
Tokyo            2008 May - July
New York     2008 October
London         2009 May
Moscow       2009 October
Paris             2010 January – February
and the exhibition in Montevideo, Uruguay in  late 2010 as last stop.

The ideal schedule for Uruguay stop is in spring of 2010, in late October exactly, when the country warms up for summer in December. Uruguay has four much defined seasons of three months length each. The people just coming out of a bitter winter, humidity and vey cold wings from the Atlantic Ocean, will received this event  with enthusiasm when the flowers bloom as a break signaling better things  to come. The foundation will be the promoter, a presenting card to the Uruguayan people and country’s social scene.  The foundation leaves this way in their sublime memory a small footprint. One step forward to be accepted by the Uruguayan people and make the foundation intentions clear to the acting government. This event goes hand to hand with the known admiration of the Uruguayan people for the arts and culture in general of all around the globe and their own.

The official opening for business by the foundation will be celebrated in summer of the same year, 2010, with a presentation in the capital’s amphitheatre of the legendary film by Frantz Lang (1926 Ufa Studios, Germany) “Metropolis”, with live soundtrack and effects by different bands of musicians that has created their own versions around the world. The film also will be shown in the original and modified copies that are available in black and white as well in color, and recently discovered original full version in Argentina, free of charge to the public for a long period before the “Carnival” (Mardi Grass), very popular in Uruguay, season starts. This event will mark the beginning of the country as a cultural “hub” to her immediate neighboring countries and build a bridge to reach the rest of Latin America in a projected viable future.  During “intermezzos”, is a long movie, the public will be expose to the philosophy behind the foundation**. A fair in place also would show that shares the common goals of the people that are starting to become more aware now of what is in stake when children’s and youngsters come home full of hope and dreams transmitting with enthusiasm those concerns and spreading the word since the circle of speeches begin already at their education facilities, with the cooperation of the government in power, a couple of months ago by then.  There is an interlocking puzzle of events to put in place to success.

The adult population that claim it won’t  survive to see the national goal being fulfill had a kind of apathy toward the project, but they will carry on the idea for the sake of their son’s  and grandson’s future,  seen also an opportunity meanwhile for more jobs available to them and their skills. This film will work as an eye opener to what the future could become for them if do not get their hands on the steering wheel of the country and keep curse toward a future for the nation as a whole. The schematic of their lives take a new shape under a more bright light coming from ahead, traveling 20 years in less than a second. If they can picture it they will participate.

Singapore, Honk Kong, Shangai, Tokyo and Dubai have millions of eyes on them, neighbors and competitors alike, due to their success story. The factors that put them there are diverse and do not applied in the content of the scenario present in Uruguay right now. Circumstances must be created, resources must be improvised, and the project must be a successful one to the rest of Latin America so they also put their eyes on a successful story that was possible in conditions similar to their own and not too far away by people not too different than them. Populism and absolute ideologies would be leave behind by the people when actual inefficient planning for a long time that affect  the  majority  is replaced by a fair economic  and social development, working for all equitably.

Important projects as the Ocean Dike all along the Atlantic coast to contend the rise of the ocean water in approximately 20 inches by 2030 as warned by scientists, which is threatening to erode all the sand from the beachfront, it’s important to protect one of the best revenues of this country, tourism.  Such ocean dike could double as a highway to connect Buenos Aires, Argentine with Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil by passing through Montevideo, Uruguay and key tourism points in the 260 miles coastline and expanded later to those countries too. The Ocean Dyke is a long term project with a justifiable cause and acceptable to anybody with common sense. This way jobs are created and revenues are promising to investors with great future possibilities.  In a way could be self funded with appropriate “tolls” in place for commercial and private users.

The building of the Canal in the middle of the capital for vacation cruisers to tour around it and admire a beautifully illuminated and vibrant city in the middle of the night with international brands boutiques, grills/ bars/restaurants, open air seating facilities, enjoying the summer along it and complete later a circle around at the city’s central park, Allied Park home of the magnificent Centenario stadium the witness to the first and 100th World Cup Soccer series, seem to be just cosmetic or gimmicky. But Alexandria, The Pyramids of Giza, The Suez and Panama canals, The Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty, Las Vegas, just to mention a few wonders, also were qualified as “nonsense”. These two projects along can put the whole actual blue collar labor force of the country to work with the white collar force benefiting from it too. It’s a good opportunity to invest for the upper social class. The actual unemployment rate is 14% in the nation with the highest percentage in the states of the interior of the country. The people actually come from the countryside to the capital and push others out of the country.

Beside palpable projects with friendly and cooperative foreign governments as all the “non-profit” (ORG or ONG in Uruguay) organizations acting in the country on different issues, the foundation will indirectly promote a limited transparent government. Part of this concept is a paperless system where the state complements his budget not from an IVA, (20% added value tax on sales) but from an “all across the board” flat rate tax of 10% on earned wages and profits.  Bearoucracy will be no longer a burden to society or a tool of votes buying by an illegal manipulation of position and opportunities by the largest employer, and the must inefficient of all, the acting government. The monopoly hold by the government on same industries essentials to development would be modified through lobbying to an open market. Preferably, at the end of the fiscal year each individual citizen selects how much percentage of her/his total contribution for the year will be predestinated to the government entities that are servicing the people, must designate all 100% of his contribution. The government will use emergency funds to bail out those entities that do not meet their budget and put them on probation to satisfy the people demand for better service. This way the taxpayers had control over the quality of the services provided to them and these entities compete with each other for a greater share of those contributions. The actual government still has to approve its entities budgets each year but the people decide where their money goes.

Decentralization, repopulation, rebuilding, demolishing, firing, reassignment, demoting, reorganizing, reinventing, constructing, , closing, hiring, communicating, abolishing, training, faith and rebirth are action words that will be common in the future vocabulary of the Uruguayan media and people. This will be  due to the dynamic that is put in place when their can see a more reachable tomorrow and other nations extending their hands and hearts helping build shoulder to shoulder a friend house that next generations are going to heritage.  Self petty and selfishness has no excuses in the immediate future. 

                 *"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."

                         *"Faith is much better than belief. Belief is when someone else does the thinking."

If by 2028 Uruguay can host the Expo there are only 20 years left from now and a lot of work to do in all aspects: communications, transportation, hospitality, modernization of the capital, relocation of unskilled labor force to interior cities, create jobs on those cities to attract people from the capital, make population density more even on all 18 states beside the one with the capital, start a hydro via with Brazil from the south through Merlin lake and from the north through Uruguay river, promote the hydro via on the Parana river that will benefit Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentine commercialize their products better in overseas markets without putting at risk the natural balance of the Patanal in the Amazon jungle (Uruguay will be the hub to all that commercial exchange), implement wind energy, try to reduce to a minimum the use of petroleum engines, crate a balance of equality in services and standard of living in the north of the country as in the south that are divided by the Negro river which cuts through the country from east to west right on the middle and is also the location of all the damns that supplies electricity to the country and neighboring Argentine, expand progress evenly all across the new country.

                 *"We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer

                   unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody."

The funds needed to start all these will come from different sources; the goal is to create a piece of positivism, envy, talk, creative thinking for the rest of Latin America. The foundation is the designer behind the new nation.  The responsibilities assume are to the people, the nation, Latin America, the continent and to democracy. *A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.

The foundation will have a humble beginning in an office in Montevideo, Uruguay, with good installation to impress officials and non official visitors. The total floor capacity need to house a small team of writers and visual graphics designers for the vocational motivation speeches with visual aide, adequate space to train the beginner speakers for all the 19 states (doubles as a conference room), and be the main office for public relations, human resources, communications, research, planning, budget and allocation, president and secretaries offices.

In the beginning there would be an initial expense to hire speakers with appealing benefits, cover their expenses while in training at the capital from their native states, provide each one of them with a laptop and a cellular phone as wireless access to the internet, security, buy one set of public address mobile equipment and visual aide projectors for laptops per each location, create a technical support team that also doubles as IT and webmasters, furnace the offices and organized an opening event. The inauguration party will host important members of government, embassies and local society and international media as well. Exposure is essential for acceptation.

Lobbying in the government, reach to foreign countries, print a magazine to give away to assisting students and skilled and professional labor forces members, web presence, promote cultural events, advertising budget, charity to other organizations to link and get their loyalty (a way to delegate power over issues of the same interest and double your amount of manpower and resources), research and laboratory facilities are expensive but worth it.  All monetary transactions and policies adapted will be monitored by the donors and media from open books. The possibility of the creation of a parallel unrelated company, to commercialize a product to the people that is identified with the nation goal, claiming to contribute all profits (reach the people with this slogan: 50% of the price that you paid for this product that you consume goes to the foundation fund to keep working for the reach of our nation goal) must be take in consideration since yearly revenues could paid for the foundation overhead and more.  Some merchandise business plan is calculated at 2.4 million dollars per year in funds to be redirect to the foundation arks while creating jobs and a national focus in what is what they are getting ready for, the future.

The synchronization between the foreign governments and investing companies with the government in power will be directed by the foundation since is the organization that will brings in the connections and interests to the complement of the national plan for the projected period of 20 years or more until completion, by 2028 hopefully.

Commitment is the key word and capital is the key element, the annual budget of the foundation has been calculated at approximately $1 million dollar per year in the beginning implementing the “speeches” project.   The “turn of the key” is not been calculated waiting to discuss tactics and policies with interested authorities.   The redirected funds created by the “front corporation” may make the foundation self sustained with a surplus.

                           Commitment with ourselves. 

We stand for this basis, a summary:

Knowing that the vast majority of successful countries in the world think of long-term scenarios, we also embrace this ideology and we take as national “goals” the major national events that are happening on our territory at the same time.

Affirming that just over 20 years is a reasonable time to imagine the maturation of certain investments in infrastructure and this time to see potential changes in technology and possible scenarios of global and regional economy.

We denounce and commit ourselves to prevent plans to abolishing traditional style and by all means keep to a minimum the development of bureaucracy and unnecessary positions.

Wanted it so, that everyone pursues its own interests as they see fit, provided they respect the rights of others.

The consequences of this policy of economic freedom must be positive in the changes of social economic that are pursued with the implementation of a balanced society economically.

Those who are guided by the profit motive best meet the needs of their fellow human being rewarded by consumers. Both social elements, producer as consumer mark the course.

Those who do not manage to be part of the merchant group are part of consumers group without being doomed to descend the social ladder. Investors are other legitimate group in this democratic society.

The scarce resources of the nation are exploited and therefore invested more productively and with the efficiency that is the hallmark of successful countries.
The foundation will act, above all governments coming to power shift in the years of transition, by all means to keep the perception of social justice, peace and harmony.
In a spontaneous creation, collective and decentralized we visualize the multiple human actions that are transformed into a true future for the people together with common set "goals" and participating  each one of us acting differently in a free market that is necessary.

There is no mystery in what entails the development, is the result of personal desire of entrepreneurs. Only when there is liability on gains and losses arising from constantly changing realities can be economic development.

The technical advances are also relevant and benefit to all citizens participating.

By contrast, the bureaucrat planner represents the antithesis of this whole reality and the development plans are always doomed to failure.


The foundation denounce: 

         Wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character,commerce without morality,

                     science without humanity, worship without sacrifice and politics without principle.

                                  *"My ideas have undergone a process of emergence by emergency.

                                               When they are needed badly enough, they are accepted."


                                                               *"Man knows so much and does so little."


                                                                                              The end.


(*)   Quotes by:  R. Buckminster Fuller.
1. GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY.  Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government.
2. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY.  All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.
3. ECOLOGICAL WISDOM.  We support a sustainable society which utilizes resources in such a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation.
4. NON-VIOLENCE.  It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society’s current patterns of violence.   We promote non-violent methods to oppose practices and policies with which the people disagree.  We will guide our actions toward lasting personal, community and global peace.
5. DECENTRALIZATION.  We support a restructuring of social, political and economic institutions away from a system which is controlled by and mostly benefits the powerful few, to a democratic, less bureaucratic system. Decision-making should remain at the individual and local level, while assuring that civil rights are protected for all citizens.
6. COMMUNITY-BASED ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE.  A successful economic system will offer meaningful work with dignity, while paying a “living wage” which reflects the real value of a person’s work. Local communities must look to economic development that assures protection of the environment and workers’ rights; broad citizen participation in planning; and enhancement of our “quality of life.” We support independently owned and operated companies which are socially responsible, as well as co-operatives and public enterprises that distribute resources and control to more people through democratic participation.
7. FEMINISM AND GENDER EQUITY.  We call for the replacement of the cultural ethics of domination and control with more cooperative ways of interacting that respect differences of opinion and gender. We should remember that the process that determines our decisions and actions is just as important as achieving the outcome we want.
8. RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY.  We believe it is important to value cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity, and to promote the development of respectful relationships across these lines. We believe that the many diverse elements of society should be reflected in our organizations and decision-making bodies, and we support the leadership of people who have been traditionally closed out of leadership roles.
9. PERSONAL AND GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY.  We encourage individuals to act to improve their personal well-being and, at the same time, to enhance ecological balance and social harmony. We seek to join with people and organizations around the world to foster peace, economic justice, and the health of the planet.
10. FUTURE FOCUS AND SUSTAINABILITY.  Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals. We must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions.                                                                      

 El Moderador, Rolando Olivera, con sus hijos Fabián y Nicolás.

Todas las ambiciones, todos los antojos, todos los caprichos, todas las frustaciones, todas las derrotas, todas las victorias, todos los fallos, todas las desviaciones, todos los logros, combinados no superan a en que podamos mejorar el futuro para nuestros hijos y los de ellos, nuestros nietos. Cómo padre uruguayo quiero que mis hijos lleguen a conocer un Uruguay dinámico, en constante movimiento hacia el futuro, re inventándose sí mismo. Lleno de esperanzas, sueños, anhelos, oportunidades, de gente que creé en si misma, que creé en las metas que se auto determina y que son a largo plazo cumpliendores con los pasos agigantados y de corto plazo, uno después del otro y cómo todo es un "rompecabezas", un plan de ideas entrelazadas, muchos pasos logrados a la misma vez. Para que ellos, Fabián y Nicolás, conozcan la otra cara de la moneda, que les llame la atención, que sea una alternativa a lo único que conocen y/o van a conocer. Pero no pido por los míos solamente, pido a todos Uds. que piensen en los suyos, si no los tienen piensen en sus sobrinos, en sus ahijados, en el niño vecino que le tocó el timbre y se escondió dos veces seguida en el mismo lugar que lo vió la primera vez y no dijo nada. Por el pueblo uruguayo, no solamente el que conocemos hoy día, con nuestras diferencias en todos los aspectos, pero en el de mañana porque pese a la pobreza y la falta de oportunidades no dejan de nacer, no piden nacer en medio de ésta situación actual y de la que bien fácil pueden acusarnos de ser los culpables y no podemos decir nada que les haga cambiar de corazón porque no hicimos nada sólido, fundamental, trascendental. El futuro está en nuestras manos porque somos quienes tenemos la experiencia. Haz algo.

               La realidad y magnitud del proyecto en mano representado gráficamente.